Smørebrød in Copenhagen with Phønix

We wanted to spend our fourth anniversary (which is a very special day to us but more on that another time) in some nice place and since we both had been to CPH separately and had occasionally talked about it, it seemed fitting to come visiting this very fashionable city together on our day. It turned out to be one of the nicest city trip we’ve made. The weather could not have been any nicer for between seasons, lots of sunshine but the air was already fresh and crisp from the autumn breeze making it the perfect weather to bike around. One funny thing did happen, a guy took a photo of us together on the bike and posted it on his facebook page. As it turned out, he was some kind of a Danish rockstar so lots of his followers started commenting and liking that picture, which, through a few or more connections, came back to our being aware of it. Bycyklen (the company of the bike we rent) even asked us if they could use that photo for their advertising purpose. Yes, we became kinda famous for a day ;-). So if you happened to see a couple (almost) dressing in white riding a white bike on any Danish website, it’s one of our special moments of this trip. Needless to say, we enjoyed every second of it.

Besides, I got to see my beloved friend Nete again after 8 long years. Yes, 8 years seem like forever at this stage of our lives but we never lost touch. Nete spent one semester abroad in Frankfurt at my university way back in 2007-2008 and lived in the same dorm as me, just a few doors from my room. We became best friends right after our first met. You know that feeling, things just “clicked” and you just knew. So we spent every single (free) minute of every day hanging out with each other, for us taking totally different classes at school (Finance for me and Literature for her). It still is one of the best summers of my undergrad years. I still have memories of us walking back from a party on our bare feet, heels in hands, then searching for left-over in our kitchen to have kind of a late supper / early breakfast at almost before going to bed at 5 am. Yes, we had tons of fun back then, we got lots of attentions too wherever we went. Me being a cute (& tiny) Asian girl and her being the hottest, most attractive (Danish) blonde in every guy’s dream. Looking back I might have just got all those attentions just because I was with her ;-).

Enough talking, here are a few snapshots J took of our trip. This for sure won’t be our last time in this super chic city.



Rosenborg Castle
Rosenborg Castle
The greenhouse in the botanical garden
The greenhouse in the botanical garden
P in front of the greenhouse on a windy and chilly day
That sky…
Autumn flowers
Autumn flowers
How to write Phoenix in Danish
How to write Phoenix in Danish
The "Rundetaarn" (round tower)
The “Rundetaarn” (round tower)
Inside Rundetaarn
Inside Rundetaarn
Look through a window of Rundetaarn
Look through a window of Rundetaarn
There are no stars cases in Rundetaarn (except in the uppermost part)
There are no stairs cases in Rundetaarn (except in the uppermost part)
On a staircase inside Copenhagen city hall
Inside Copenhagen city hall
The big hall inside city hall
Inside city hall


Famous clockwork in city hall, very impressive mechanical work
Famous clockwork in city hall, very impressive mechanical work
A cozy side road with an interesting vintage shop
A cozy side road with an interesting vintage shop
The opera house at night
The opera house at night
In our apartment near the city center
In our (airbnb) apartment in the city center
The Glyptothek, an art museum close to Tivoli
The Glyptothek, a very nice art museum close to Tivoli, sadly they don’t let you take photo inside, only the in foyer
Inside Frederik's church, a breathtaking dome
Inside Frederik’s church, a breathtaking dome
Behind the opera, looking towards Frederik's church
Behind the opera, looking towards Frederik’s church from the other side of the river
In front of the opera
Copenhagen Opera at sunset, this view is worth the >30min to get here on the taxi cause we missed the last boat out.
Having a spectacular dinner at Kiin Kiin restaurant - strongly recommendable!!
Spectacular dinner at Kiin Kiin restaurant – 15 nicely decorated & yummy courses over almost 4 hours. The perfect way to celebrate our day 😉
At the Royal Smushi Café, famous for their Smore Brod - unfortunately we were too early for Smore Brod :-(
At the Royal Smushi Café, famous for their Smore Brod – unfortunately we were too early for Smore Brod 🙁
Funny menu of Royal Smushi Café
The Royal Smushi Café (yes, I like to repeat their name several times in my head too 😉 )
Can't remember the name of that church - there are too many in Copenhagen
Can’t remember the name of that church – there are too many in Copenhagen
Having a short break at the Baltic Sea on the way back to the airport

Playing around with filters ;-)

This sky doesn’t seem real, but it is. Magnificent!